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Use TPA's Revolutionary Strategies to Outperform.

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

Relative Rotation Strategies - RRS

Using the power of Relative Rotation Graphs (RRG), RRS provides superior performance by being in the right place at the right time!

The Relative Rotation Strategies (RSS) consist of 1 stock strategy and 3 ETF strategies. Each of the 4 strategies is based on the same principle of using RRG to be in the right place at the right time. TPA provides different strategies to satisfy the various risk profiles, holding periods, and portfolio rules for all RRS users.

The strategies are:

1. Relative Rotation Fund

2. Top 5 and Bottom 5 ETFs

3. Top 5 ETFs and a S&P500 Hedge

4. Top 5 ETFs – Long Only

RSS Performance and relative performance for these strategies have been off the charts. The comparison performance table below is as of 6/5/23.

Equally important, the outperformance has been consistent since inception.

1. The Relative Rotation Fund is created using the weekly Top and Bottom ranked stocks in the TPA-RRG report. The portfolio is created by buying the Top 10 and selling short the Bottom 10 ranked stocks each week. Screens are used to ensure that overbought and oversold stocks are not included. Since new stocks are added each week, each position is held for 3 weeks. Rebalancing occurs as close as possible to Friday’s closing prices.

Each week the TPA-RRG Report scores and ranks its ETF universe and uses it for its RSS Strategies:

2. Top 5 and Bottom 5 ETFs – Buys the Top 5 ETFs and Sells short the Bottom 5 ETFs each week. Each position is held for 3 weeks. The 3-week holding period means that each week we trade out of the positions from 3 weeks ago and add the current week’s TOP 5 and Bottom 5. Each week’s trades account for approximately 1/3 of the portfolio. Shorts are always ½ the value of longs.

3. Top 5 ETFs and a S&P500 Hedge – Buys the Top 5 ETFs each week and maintains a long SH position that is ½ the value of the long ETFs.

4. Top 5 ETFs – Long Only – Each week the TOP 5 ETFs are purchased. The holding period is 3 weeks. Each week accounts for 1/3 of the portfolio.

You can learn more about RRGs with these links:

To further illustrate the power of RSS strategies, The image below shows the ranking each week for TECH (XLK) in the top panel and the relative performance chart of XLK (XLK/SPY) in the lower panel. Top ranking in the upper panel coincides with outperformance in the lower panel. In other words, TPA-RRG ranking keeps investors in outperforming sectors.

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